Ministries, Groups & Activities
Please contact the Parish Office ph.3822 2139 for further information on any of the ministries or activities below.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls are invited to become Altar Servers after the completion of their Sacramental Program (Baptism, Communion & Confirmation). |
The Liturgy of the Word is equally as important as the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Readers proclaim the Word of God. |
This ministry gives greater awareness of the preparation that is required for the celebration of the mass. |
Hospitality and Welcome
To welcome all parishioners and visitors and make them feel part of a welcoming community. Also provide a cuppa and refreshments on the first Sunday of each month. |
Rosary Group
Rosary Group meets each Monday evening. We bring to our prayer the needs of the world at large, our parish, our private and personal needs.
Rosary Group meets each Monday evening. We bring to our prayer the needs of the world at large, our parish, our private and personal needs.
Baptismal Preparation
The aim of this ministry is to co-ordinate the preparation of children for receiving the sacrament of baptism. |
Sacramental Programme
The aim of this ministry is to co-ordinate the preparation of children for receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. |
Care and Concern
To care for those in the parish in their time of need. Co-ordinate anointing mass by providing transport and refreshments. |
Communion to Sick
To help the housebound to feel they are always part of the faith community by keeping them informed of what is happening in the parish. Bringing communion to them, praying with them and sharing the Word of the Lord. |
This ministry maintains church gardens and provides a sense of respect for our place of worship. |
Church Cleaning
The aim of this ministry is to keep the church clean and provide a sense of respect for our place of worship. |
St Vincent de Paul
Members meet for prayer and support, and to share their work of service to the needy, comprising home visitation characterised by respect, compassion, and integrity. |
Social/ Cards Group
We meet to play cards or games etc, and enjoy company in a social setting. |
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who are elected by their fellow parishioners to join the Parish Priest in sharing responsibility for the development of the Parish Mission |
Finance Council
To assist the pries with the effective management of the parish finances, including consultation and making recommendations when applicable. Liaise with the parish school. |
Money Counters
A team of counters count and collate the collections after mass each week. |
A team of collectors take up the collections at each mass. |